Transactions from an OHA, AOHA or TA

A transaction is a transfer from one account to another account in the EU ETS Registry.

NB: the information on this page does not apply to Kyoto accounts. You can read more about transfers to and from Kyoto accounts here.

Rules for transferring emission allowances from an OHA, AOHA or TA

A transaction (transfer) of CO2 emission allowances can take place from any type of account. The most important rules for this type of transaction are as follows:

  • EUAs and EUAAs can be transferred from, to and between (A)OHAs and/or TAs.
  • Different rules apply to transactions involving CERs.
  • CERs can no longer be transferred into (A)OHAs and TAs after 30 April 2021.
  • CERs can still be transferred out of (A)OHAs and TAs until 30 June 2023.

Transfers options for account holders

In order to provide flexibility to account holders, they may choose between certain account settings. These account settings make it either more difficult (but safer) or easier to make transfers. By default, the account settings are set to the most secure mode. To change this, a request must be submitted to the NEa Heldesk.

  • Have transactions to a trusted account processed by either one or two persons: two-eye or four-eye principle
    • By default, this is set to the four-eye principle, requiring the approval of a second user
  • Allow or do not allow transactions from an (A)OHA to accounts not designated as trusted by the account holder, i.e. accounts not on the trusted account list
    • By default, transfers from an (A)OHA are only possible to accounts on the trusted account list
    •  It’s always possible to transfers from a trading account to accounts not on the trusted account list.

The NEa has published a document with all the different types of transactions and the corresponding rules.