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20 news items

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  1. NEa approaches companies to remind them of their obligations

    The deadline for submitting verified monitoring plans was set for April 1, 2024, but proved to be unfeasible for many companies.

    News item | 17-07-2024 | 16:13

  2. Read our latest EU ETS Maritime Newsletter

    On April 15th, we sent out our latest newsletter on EU ETS Maritime to, among others, contacts registered in TETHIS-MRV. Topics ...

    News item | 22-04-2024 | 14:31

  3. Customs Administration notifies importers of the start of the CBAM transitional phase

    The Customs Administration of the Netherlands notifies more than 12,000 importers about the start of the transitional phase of ...

    News item | 20-10-2023 | 13:50

  4. CO2-registry: switching from GSM/SMS to QR-code

    Until today, the most registry users use a method based on GSM/SMS for authentication and transaction signing by receiving SMS ...

    News item | 06-07-2021 | 08:57

  5. CO2-registry reopened for business

    01-09-2020, 1:30 PM The technical issues have been solved. All Kyoto transactions are being processed again.

    News item | 01-09-2020 | 13:34

  6. Registration requirement CO2-registry

    The responsible department, i.e. the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, has put in place an additional risk ...

    News item | 17-06-2020 | 11:35

  7. NEa transfers emission allowances 2019

    The yearly allocation of emission allowances took place during the night of 25 to 26 February 2019. The 361 Dutch installations ...

    News item | 28-02-2019 | 10:08

  8. NEa transfers emission allowances 2018

    The 370 Dutch installations which are covered by the EU ETS and which have received a free allocation, will receive their 2018 ...

    News item | 26-02-2018 | 12:00

  9. Increase annual fee voluntary accounts

    As of 2018 the Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa) will increase the annual fee for a voluntary account in the Dutch part of the CO2 ...

    News item | 08-01-2018 | 14:05

  10. NEa transfers emission allowances 2017

    On 24 February 2017, 372 Dutch installations which are covered by the EU ETS will receive their allowances. In total ...

    News item | 23-02-2017 | 09:29

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