Targets - Energy for Transport

The European Commission (EC) obliged EU Member Statesto increase the share of renewable energy in the transport sector. Fuel suppliers have additionaly been obliged to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their fuels by 6% in 2020. The reason for this is to safeguard the European Union’s energy supply, as well as contribute to climate targest.

Please note: the information available on this page is only relevant for 2018-2021.

The Netherlands has transposed the targets and requirements set out in the two relevant European directives into national legislation. This concerns the Environmental Management Act titles 9.7 and 9.8, the Energy for Transport Decree and the Ministerial Regulation .

The Dutch Emissions Authority is the executive and supervising authority for the Energy for Transport compliance system since 2011.

Increasing share of renewable energy used for transport

Companies that deliver fuels to the transport sector are required to deliver a share of renewable energy at annual increments, reaching 16.4% in 2020. This annual obligation relates to petrol and diesel delivered to transport destinations subject to an obligation in the Netherlands. Moreover, a sub-target is in effect since 2018 for the use of advanced biofuels (based on waste and/or residues), with a limit on the use of conventional biofuels (based on agricultural crops). These requirements stem from the European Renewable Energy Directive (RED), which has been updated by the ILUC Directive.

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

Companies delivering fuels to the transport sector in 2020 must also reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their fuels by 6% in relation to the baseline for 2010. This requirement and its implementation stem from the European Fuel Quality Directive (FQD) and the Fuel Quality Implementation Directive.

Implementation using a market mechanism

In the Netherlands, the targets stated above are implemented using a market mechanism. Companies physically delivering renewable energy to the transport sector can claim their deliveries in the Energy for Transport Registry (REV: Register Energie voor Vervoer) and thereby create renewable energy units (HBEs: hernieuwbare brandstofeenheden). They can trade these units, which represent 1 gigajoule of renewable energy, with companies  subject to an obligation.

3 types HBEs