
88 documents

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  1. Transactions in the CO2-registry

    Publication | 09-04-2019

  2. Guidance document: Biomass issues in the EU ETS

    Guidance document for biomass issues in the EU ETS trading scheme.

    support document | 26-09-2018

  3. User terms and conditions person holding account, trading account and Kyoto account

    Publication | 18-01-2018

  4. Significant changes of the monitoring plan (for aviation)

    Form | 01-03-2017

  5. Non-significant changes of the monitoring plan (for aviation)

    Form | 01-03-2017

  6. Summary of the quick scan implementation double counting regulation

    This quick scan provides a broad analysis of these biofuel supply chains, the infrastructure of administrative enforcement and ...

    Publication | 13-02-2017

  7. Summary Report on Energy for Transport 2015

    Compliance of obligations under Renewable Energy for transport and under Air Pollution from fuels legislation in the Netherlands

    Report | 13-02-2017

  8. nl_accinfo_en

    Publication | 13-01-2017

  9. nl_legal_en

    Publication | 13-01-2017

  10. Sef Report CP2 2016

    Publication | 13-01-2017