Input and verification of emissions data

The emissions data must be recorded in the CO2 Registry and approved by the verifier by no later than 31 March. The number of allowances to be surrendered is determined by the greenhouse gas emission volumes.

Entry and confirmation

An account representative must enter the data into the CO2 Registry. If the figure entered corresponds to the data in the verified emissions report, the verifier will approve it.

Please note: Companies are themselves responsible for ensuring that their emissions data are confirmed by the verifier on time.

Following verification of the emissions data, companies will be able to see how many allowances they must surrender by 30 September. We advise surrendering the allowances immediately following verification.

Approval requirement

One important requirement for getting emissions data approved is that the verification body hired be linked to the company's account in the CO2 Registry. To do so, an account representative must select the verification body in the CO2 Registry, and a verifier must approve the appointment.


Detailed instructions on how to select a verification body and enter emissions data can be found in the CO2 Registry user guide, available from the registry portal. Registry users will have received the link to the portal from the NEa via e-mail.